Historical Background
Years Before, Important Facts and Events that Took Place, and Period of Increased Responsibility
Years Before
Published: July 05, 2017 04:18 PM
San Jose, years before it became a town was a wilderness, a veritable hunting ground for wild animals by the inhabitants of its neighboring towns. The earliest inhabitants were known as Negritos (Baluga) headed by Kapitan Danding; a Negrito convert residing in Pinagcuartelan. These early inhabitants depended mostly on hunting and fishing for their livelihood. Some hunters from the neighboring towns found San Jose as a good place for settlers due to its wide and uncleared agricultural land. The first group of settlers made some clearings (kaingin) in the outskirts of the present town.
Important Facts and Events that Took Place
Published: July 05, 2017 04:19 PM
At the early part of the American regime, peace and order were enjoyed by the inhabitants of the town for a short period of time. In 1902, there was an uprising by an organization named �Sta. Iglesia� headed by a notorious bandit, �Apo Ipe� (Felipe Salvador) who hid in the environs of San Jose. The aim of this organization was the nightmare of the town until Sgt. Gregorio Cadhit of the constabulary detachment of San Jose killed the notorious bandit leader.
Period of Increased Responsibility
Published: July 05, 2017 04:22 PM
San Jose reared many persistent leaders; each adapted to his time, from Kapitan Municipal Don Canuto Ramos to the current First Lady City Mayor, Marivic V. Belena. These men and women who filled more than a century of exciting and eventful administration during their terms of office are worthy and deserving to be mentioned.