Local Economy »

The Primary Sector

Published: May 16, 2023 02:57 AM

I. Agricultural Crops

A. Major Crops Yield of Production and Area Planted to 

The city’s total area planted to agricultural crops in 2015 has a total of 15,903.47 (wet and dry season) recording an increase of 407.1 hectares compared to previous year’s 15,496.37 hectares. This year’s total area planted is 86.83% of the total agricultural area of the city which is about 18,315.729 hectares. The remaining 2,412.259 hectares were engaged into backyard fishing and some are considered to be idle or uncultivated land. Table 31 & 32 reflects that 15,903.47 hectares of the total productive croplands are cultivated by 5,191 farmers during wet season and 4,559 farmers during dry season. Irrigated areas yield an average production of 5.4 while rainfed areas yield an average of 4.8 metric ton per hectare during wet season. Moreover, irrigated areas yield an average production of 6.9 metric ton per hectare during dry season.

(see table 40 and 41)

With regards to other crops, the city is also a major producer of vegetables and fruits because of its high production output per hectare. Onion and other high yielding variety of vegetables are secondary crops produce in the city.

B. Other Crops

(see table 42)

II. Livestock and Poultry

Livestock and poultry production is another source of income among the farmers of San Jose City. Some farmers consider backyard raising for family consumption also. There are 1,184 cattle and 2,350 carabao used in farming. There are about 15,960 chicken and 10,903 ducks which are either available for family consumption or commercial purposes. Table 43 shows the annual livestock and poultry production in the city which has significantly increased in number more specifically in the number of broilers mainly because of the increase in number of poultry farms which operate within the city.

(see table 43 and 44)

As of December 2015, there are eleven (11) poultry farms and seven (7) piggery farms operating in the city which serves as source of local supply for meat and poultry of the city as well as the nearby cities and towns including Metro Manila. Some households in the rural area are also into backyard raising of their own chicken, ducks and pigs for own consumption and as source of livelihood.

III. Fishery

Based on Table 45, fishponds within the city occupy a total of 14.43 hectares. The total annual fish production of the city reached up to 3,132.90 kgs.

(see table 45)

IV. Agricultural Support Facilities

Post Harvest Facilities
Table 46 shows the number of post harvest facilities available among 38 barangays. There are 153 multi-purpose drying pavement and 30 rice mills, wherein most of them are located in Barangays Tulat, Abar 1st, and Calaocan.

(see table 46)