Local Economy »

Transportation and Communication

Published: May 16, 2023 03:26 AM   |   Author: CPDO 2015

Transport Facilities

The primary mode of transportation within the city is by land. Both urban and rural areas are accessible to any kind of land transport facility. Some farmers also make use of trailers pulled by handtractors in transporting their goods, as well as passengers from the rural area to the poblacion.

Public utility vehicles servicing the residents of the city consists of 3,857 tricycles, 732 public utility jeepneys, 72 buses and 40 vans aside from some transient tricycles from nearby towns and municipalities and vans for hire which are operating also in the city as summarized in Table 54. Moreover, it also shows the route of commercial vehicles in the city. It can be noted however, that out of 3,857 tricycles issued with MTOP, the LTO San Jose City registered only 3 motorcycles/ tricycles for hire, 10,277 private and 142 government vehicles (See Table 54).

(see table 54 and 55)